Happy Healthy and Well Podcast Episodes 

Apple Podcasts

Episode #4

Journaling and gaining CLARITY of your current reality

This episode is all about the benefits of journaling and seeing your current reality from a different perspective. When you can see your reality through a different lens, you become conscious of it, you can see what you like and don’t like, and you can decide if you want to keep living this current reality or change it. I also attached a link to download my FREE 31 DAYS OF MINDFUL JOURNALING PROMPTS where the work is all done for you! All you have to do is download the prompts and get journaling :) We will start March 1st to have a clean slate to start reassessing our life for everyday during March. Don’t miss it! 

31 Days Of Journal Prompts

Episode #3


This episode is all about the power of making decisions, standing firm in those decisions, and taking action towards your dreams! The universe delivers when you decide what you want!

Episode #2

What Actually Is Manifestation, The Law of Attraction, The Universe?

 We will dive into an introduction on manifestation, law of attraction, the universe, and how we are the creators of our lives. PLUS 3 little action steps to gain clarity into our own thoughts and emotions on a daily basis.

Episode #1

Welcome to the Happy Healthy and Well Podcast!

This is an introduction to the Happy Healthy and Well podcast! You will get to know Kristen Bova a little more and why she started this podcast. You will also get an overview of what this podcast will be about!


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